Great Taste White | Choose Great, Win Great Raffle Promo Bicol Launch

All the way from my meeting in Legazpi, I went straight to The Avenue Square Convention Hall. It's again a pleasant evening reunited with blogger friends and warmed up with a hot cup of Great Taste White Coffee. 
And that's the reason why I wear white! All set to experience Great Taste White!
 So far, this is the grandest launch in Bicol I've ever attended.
We were invited by the friendly, Ms. Ginny of Stratworks PR, along with the very amiable people from Universal Robina Corporation, Ms. Viveka and Sir Julius. 

Prizes at stake for the raffle are 8 Toyota Vios and a Grand Prize Winner of 3.0 Million Pesos! 
For more details, Please click this

Trying the different flavours of Great Taste!
Thanks for the loot bag GT!
Went home a happy Mom! <3
We Make White Coffee Great! and I have to agree! I love the taste! <3

A dinner buffet was prepared for us and of course cupfuls of hot Great Taste White Coffee and URC had been generous enough to give-away, to give us a sample of winning in the raffle! That night, they gave away several gift certificates from Robinson's and Two Apple Ipad Minis. (Sam Brown, no luck that time! ) 

Well for a Mom like me, this isn't bad to have Great Taste Coffee any day! I've got to enjoy a cup of coffee and I will be entitled to win in the raffle! More cups of Great Taste please? <3 

Great Taste! Great Friends! <3

With the Bicol Bloggers and Ms. Ginny and Sir Julius

With Ivy and Jo, smiles from the coffee lovers!

The Raffle segment!

Can't help but to take photos! You know a Blogger table when you see this
Thank you for the Great Night, Great Taste Coffee!

And of course, I brought some of the coffee at the office. And my office mates swear they love the taste of Great Taste Coffee! 

For more details about the Great Taste Raffle:

Please click this

For Facebook users; you may also find more information at #IfiWinsaGTWhite 

Thank you, Great Taste Coffee for having us!


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