Coming Out

If you are wondering that this blog got no views it is because I had this blog since 2012 but never had it viewed by public. Most of the posts were from my work and I don't really want to appear bragging. Well, some of my not-anymore friends misconstrued my blogging and even my posts on facebook as nang-iingit. But honestly. It's just to keep track of my travels and the things I did at work. In the future, I want my kids to read this blog and reminisce about how their mom made tambling day after day.
Wafi with the clowns

So, here I am, finally, getting public, coming out. (After cleaning up my facebook not anymore friends).  I am not a good writer. I write when I feel like it. I don't get paid by writing my blog but yes, I got some perks every now and then.

I am dedicating this blog to my children and to my friends who continuously enjoy reading my blog, privately before. :D Now, it's already public. Cheers to all and Merry Christmas! :D

My three girls with my 2 anak anakan sa music in the music scene, Paula & Jess


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